CRONDO’s qualified, skilled and experienced staff have led, supported and played key roles in a variety of large ($bn) to small ($k) projects, delivering a broad range of benefits to and on behalf of our clients.
CRONDO enjoys a challenge and can provide leadership to, or work as part of, a multi-disciplinary Corporate Services team to advise, research, develop and implement the services identified below, including managing the organizational changes associated with implementation. CRONDO adopts sound program, project and risk management tools and techniques that are tailored to suit the environment, to ensure agreed outcomes and benefits are achieved efficiently and effectively (on time and on budget) to achieve Value For Money (VFM) solutions.
CRONDO provides proactive and innovative Corporate Governance, organizational, and planning services that enable our clients to govern and manage their organizations and achieve their organizational goals. CRONDO has extensive experience in the identification, assessment, and management of risks, issues, and opportunities and provides mentoring and advice to our clients to determine the most applicable courses of action.
CRONDO offers a range of corporate services, including:
- Business strategy
- Business improvement (culture, policy, process, planning, operations)
- Business Case preparation
- Change Management
- Business performance reviews
- Business continuity
- Capability and performance
- Policy and Practices
- Workforce management
- Workforce intelligence
- Workforce planning
- Workforce culture
- Workplace health and safety
- Conduct and accountability
- Governance structures and performance
- Compliance and fraud
- Facilitation, Strategy, and delivery of Community and Stakeholder Engagement
- Document and report preparation
- Communications strategy and support
- Quality management
Civil Military Air Traffic System (CMATS) – Facilities and Infrastructure Program Management
In support of the CASG CMATS Project Office, CRONDO staff planned, governed and assured the $0.5Bn Defence Facilities and Infrastructure Program as a key capability contribution to the ongoing CMATS program led by Air Services Australia. CRONDO’s program manager led a team of 10 consultants and site managers to govern and assure delivery of new and upgraded Air Traffic Control Towers and associated communications infrastructure on 12 RAAF airbases across Australia. CRONDO staff also governed and assured the development of suitable Defence IP network infrastructure by the Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG).